Silkweb offers a free seo audit to ensure that any website or online shop owner know the most effective ways to promote it’s product in the online environment through a good optimization and an efficient online promotion.
Because the Internet Agency Silkweb enables web design, e-commerce services, and online publicity for 7 years in the online market of Romania, also noted that some of the most common problems that the web pages or the online stores are having, are those related to correct their optimization for search engines, so we launched an online application through which anyone can request an audit on its own site and why not for the competition!
What will you find out about your website after this seo audit? The audit provides information related to the number of links indexed in google, if the images of the site are optimized or not, if there are errors in the metas (title and meta description too long or too short). The Audit is also verifying the optimizing meta title tag and description to be correct, and also if they have an unique content. Account must be held also about the number of characters, and these must have between 40 and 75 characters for titles, and under 150 characters for description.
You receive a note taken from Seomoz for the authority and popularity of your domain as well as the number of back links and three of the most important sites that they link to your page or keyword density on the first page and the ratio between the text and the source code! In the result of the audit, you can see more details about optimizing your pages, including keyword density report from site, enter text and source code pages, the number of links internal and external present in the page, or if your website has a sitemap.Xml.
Because in SEO is important also the number of the back links, the audit shows how many external links are refering to your website.
Social media portion is analysed in order to observe if the site or the web page has or hasn’t a blog, and if the articles posted attract attention on Facebook or Twitter, it analyzes the links in this site to the social networks and presents also the number of fans of the Facebook page and how many users you follow on Twitter. Considering that Facebook and Twitter are the most commonly used social networks used for promotion in Romania, here our audit analyzes this link to Twitter account, number of Followers, number of Tweets, whenever your page was distributed on this social network and the average duration between Tweets.
The majority of owners of websites or web pages provide the major investment in the design of the page, but they do not respect the basic rules related to optimizing for search engines, can be declared to be "invisible" on the internet. If you own a site that does warrant the online presence and the chances for getting clients are minimal without a proper promotion online.
Audit on the company blog
Posting new information on the blog of the company becamed a regullar thing and that is why Silkweb decided to analyze this issue.
Here we analyze the latest 5 articles posted, we keep in mind the last post, check if the articles are properly optimized pages from the SEO point of view, if these are distributed on social networks Facebook and Twitter (and view the number of distributions), if your blog has the features of social media share and if it has RSS Feed.
Mentionam faptul ca fiecare factor analizat vine cu o explicatie pe intelesul tuturor din partea noastra.
If you want to know this information about your page claim a free seo audit right now. The Internet Agency SilkWeb offers professional web design solutions, e-commerce and online advertising since 2005.
Check here for your Free Seo Audit!