Nov 5, 2017

BlackChurchInn organizeaza un Revelion de 5 stele All inclusive in capitala irlandeza!

Unicul Restaurant Romanesc din Dublin pregateste o seara de Revelion 2018 de 5 stele- All inclusive, pentru comunitatea romaneasca! Iata toate detaliile evenimentului:)

Petrecerea dintre ani intruchipeaza un moment special pentru fiecare persoana, fiind un eveniment deosebit de popular pentru publicul autohton. Toate detaliile poarta o semnificatie aparte in momentul in care ne gandim la selectionarea unui cadru potrivit pentru petrecerea de Revelion, iar aici ne raportam deopotriva la ambientul ales, la posibilitatile ornamentale pe care acesta le propune, dar si la profesionalismul echipei care se ocupa integral de toate artificiile organizatorice.
Restaurant romanesc Dublin

Bineinteles, un restaurant spatios ramane o alternativa de referinta pentru publicul romanesc din Capitala Irlandeza care viseaza la o petrecere cu tenta traditionala romanesca, unde fundalul sonor este unul plurivalent, iar locatia permite purtarea celor mai pretentioase tinute.

Si pentru ca noaptea dintre ani este o ocazie perfecta pentru a petrecere pana in zorii zilei, intr-o atmosfera traditionala, cu cantec si obiceiuri romanesti, alegerea este cat se poate de obiectiva!

Anul acesta, oaspetii care vor alege sa intampine anul 2018 in Dublin, si doresc o petrecere romaneasca all inclusive, sunt invitati la BlackChurchInn restaurant romanesc care pregateste un program cu totul deosebit si o multitudine de surprize pe tot parcursul serii.

Se anunta cea mai frumoasa petrecere organizata pana la cel mai mic detaliu, preparate traditionale, un menu diversificat si improspatat pe tot parcursul serii , program artistic de exceptie sustinut de Calin Crisan si formatia, si o tombola cu surprize fel de fel.

Programul de Revelion BlackChurchInn include urmatoarele:
Receptie cu bubbles si capsuni dulci, care vor intampina oaspetii incepand cu orele 18:00, potentata de acorduri traditionale cu muzica live a artistului Calin Crisan si un decor exclusivist.

Abordand in egala masura deliciile traditionale dar si pretentioasele preparate internationale, meniul BlackChurchInn isi propune sa conserve constant autenticitatea si diversitatea, devenind un rasfat deplin pentru invitatii gurmanzi. Meniul va include urmatoarele preparate:
Aperitiv rece traditional compus din chiftele, snitel vienez, tarte vesele cu icre de somon, rulada de afumatura impanata, branzeturi frantuzesti si romanesti, rosii cherry, masline si castraveti.
Revelion 2018

Incepand cu ora 19:30 oaspetii vor degusta ciorba de perisoare cu smantana, ardei si paine. Somonul la gratar cu legume sote va fi servit la ora 21:30, fiind urmat de friptura de porc la gratar cu garnitura, sos de ciuperci si salata de sezon la ora 23:00.
Spre ora 24:00, ospatarii se vor asigura ca oaspetii sa fie indulciti pe masura cu desertul surpriza pregatit de maestrul cofetar al restaurantului si vor umple paharele de sampanie, astfel incat trecerea dintre ani sa fie una cat se poate de "frizzante":)

Bauturile vor fi puse la dispozitie intr-un regim all inclusive, oaspetii avand posibilitatea de a alege tot ceea ce isi doresc din urmatoarele bauturi: traditionala palinca de prune de Maramures, vin de casa, vodka, Hennessy, Jack Daniels, Jameson, Cocktails, Tia Maria, Baileys, toata gama de bere disponibila din restaurant, ceai si cafea.
Petrecerea de Revelion va fi deschisa pana in zorii zilei, in jurul orei 05:00 am!

Pretul biletului pentru revelion este de 145 euro/pers.

Revelionul poarta o semnficatie aparte, acesta fiind un moment in care fiecare persoana este guvernata de un sentiment de voie buna si apropiere fata de apropiati, dorindu-si totodata sa treaca sub o nota pozitiva in noul an, din acest motiv este important sa petrecem alaturi de familie si prieteni.
Asadar, daca doriti sa participati la o petrecere tematica romaneasca sau faceti parte dintr-un grup mai voluminos de persoane care doresc sa petreaca alaturi in noaptea dintre ani, restaurantul BlackChurchInn va propune aceasta oferta pentru Revelion dificil de refuzat!

Rezervarile pentru Revelion se vor face la numere de telefon:

Ne vedem la un super party sa petrecem ultimele clipe din anul curent, pasind cu incredere si voie buna in noul an!

Sep 17, 2017

Cristian Rizescu va canta la BlackChurchInn in 6 si 7 Octombrie! Iata detaliile evenimentului

Iubitorii de muzica de petrecere si mai ales fanii artistului care a facut furori cu piesa "Vino Vino" incepand cu anul 2011, vor fi cu siguranta incantati sa il aiba aproape pe artistul Cristian Rizescu, pentru a doua oara in Dublin, tot la BlackChurchInn!

Artistul promite un eveniment care va incanta inimile petrecaretilor romani din Dublin! Ca si prima data cand alaturi de Trupa sa, a facut un spectacol complet, anul acesta vor fi prezenti in aceiasi formula, oferind ocazia fanilor sa se pozeze si sa ofere autografe!

cristian rizescu
Cristian Rizescu Live
Evenimentul este organizat in exclusivitate de echipa BlackchurchInn in data de 6 si 7 Octombrie!
Asadar, doua zile intense de cantec si voie buna pe ritmuri romanesti, in cadrul carora oaspetii restaurantului pot savura meniul traditional romanesc pus la dispozitie de catre gazda!

Pentru cei care iubesc muzica de petrecere si show-urile de muzica live, acest eveniment este un prilej minunat de distractie cu iz de Romania!

Cateva motive pentru care merita sa fii prezent la petrecere!

Locatia si muzica exceptionala- BlackChurchInn este situat in Rathcoole, N7 (Naas Road) -in drum spre faimosul orasel outlet- Kildare:) usor de ajuns, cu o parcare gratis de 200 de locuri. In cei 2 ani de activitate pe care ii va sarbatori la sfarsitul acestei luni, BlackChurchInn Restaurant a gazduit peste 100 de concerte si show-uri de muzica live cu artisti faimosi din Romania. De aceasta data, Cristian Rizescu vine insotit de Trupa sa, cu care concerteaza pretutindeni, astfel showul va fi pe masura asteptarilor tuturor!

Meniu Romanesc Traditional- Nu stiu daca mai este cazul de alte prezentari, dar am sa scriu cateva randuri si despre meniul BlackChurchInn!
Incepand cu ciorbele traditionale si terminand cu faimosul desert papanas, aici gasesti in orice zi din saptamana, un meniu complet cu retete romanesti de prin toate regiunile tarii, la un pret exceptional!
Aici mancarea se face cu dragoste, secretele bucatelor romanesti nu se spun, ci doar se degusta. Este singurul restaurant romanesc din Dublin, in care s-au adunat retetele bunicii, muzica traditionala romaneasca si traditiile.
Eu cedez mereu in fata papanasilor:)

Biletele puse la vanzare pentru Vineri- 6 Octombrie si Sambata- 7 Octombrie sunt extrem de accesibile si usor de achizitionat!
Le puteti procura prin telefon 087/6225510 & 087/7413065

Ce este inclus si cat costa un bilet?
Bilete pentru petrecerea de Vineri costa 30 euro (meniu inclus), iar pentru Sambata 35 euro (meniu inclus). Separat va fi disponibil si meniul de weekend romanesc cu oferte speciale si meniul BlackChurchInn cu specialitati si preparate irlandeze.
romanian restaurant dublin

Sper ca aceste informatii sa fie de folos tuturor celor interesati atat de eveniment cat si de Restaurant!
In cazul in care nu ai fost la BlackChurchInn, iti pot spune ca aici in jur de 120 de suflete se aduna pentru petreceri cu specific romanesc si moldovenesc, sa sarbatoareasca si sa joace hora.
Aniversarile, botezurile micutilor, nuntile sau petrecerile private au gust de Romania doar la BlackChurchInn!

Ne vedem la Party dragilor!


Jul 1, 2017

A personal experience in New York Hair Dressing- the finest hair salon in Dublin!

Summer it's always a good time to think about a new look and finding the perfect hair salon in Dublin can be tough as there are various hair salons especially into our beautiful Dublin city center.
Personally, I am a medium-long hair girl, with the thinnest hair possible on this planet, and no volume, unless I use some "volume hair products"- think some of you ladies have same or other issues.
hair salon dublin
New York Hair Dressing Salon
After years of blonde hair, (can't believe it myself that I was silver blonde, such a pity I don't have a photo to show you how a 18 years old girl can look like she's 40- ha ha ha), and all kind of extensions from keratin, to sew in hair extensions, i decided to take a break and tried henna, in order to avoid coloring and to help it grow- henna was recommended by a friend for which it really works!

Honestly I don't know which one was worse, as after all these experiences, henna should have never been on my list.
I have applied henna twice (dark brown color), but the result was terrible and turned my hair into a fried ...thing! I use to be plum (purple) since 23 when I give up blonde, and it was "a sexy color". So now I had to look for somebody to remove this "thing" from my hair.

I have been to few consultations in city center, and when I have been asked what I have in my hair, and obviously said what it was, nobody wanted to touch it, saying that my thick hair cannot be bleached as I will risk to be left bold...fair enough!

So I start looking for solutions, and I discovered New York Hair Dressing- this fab place where all my hair problems have been resolved and I am back at my "sexy color".
It took indeed couple of weeks, and few sessions with them, but as you can see in the picture the differences are crazy!
hair styling services
hair styling services

And thank's to them, I have recently discovered the keratin hair treatment by BioNaza, and their revolutionary shampoos and conditioners, rich in vitamins E & C and lots of antioxidants! My hair is now lighter, never was so shinny and silky, and the best part is that I can maintain it at home, with the products I bought from the salon- being professional products you won't find them in the shops!

For those that don't know much about them, New York Hair Dressing is one of the few in Dublin, with a central location, easy to reach by bus, train or luas, located on Eden Quay nr 20!
It's offering original concepts in hair and beauty, luxury hair styling services and hair treatments!

This hair salon is one of the places in Dublin, where you can have an amazing hairdressing experience, no matter what you wish to go for, from free consultations and multiple options of haircuts, ultimate highlights & balayage styles, and also lots of professional hair care products to purchase of prestigious brands such as L'Oreal Paris, Kerastase, Bio Naza, and an incredible atmosphere inside!

I am so happy they have helped me in having back my color and now after few weeks, my hair is shining and growing faster than ever!

hair salon dublin
hair salon dublin
And I will tell you a little secret about them: they are now preparing for an exclusive course with the one and only MOUNIR in Dubai!
Cannot wait to try the latest coloring techniques on my hair that the whole world is going crazy for!

Hope my experience will help some of you in finding your ideal hairdresser and the perfect spot, to turn your hair into a beautiful crown!

Jun 6, 2017

Looking for a Romanian Restaurant in Dublin? BlackChurchInn is the one!

Whether you are a Romanian established in Ireland or have Romanian friends, who have inspired you the Romanian party style, a visit to BlackChurchInn Romanian Restaurant in Dublin is all you need, to feel like home or to understand more about their traditions and beautiful souls!
romanian restaurant dublin

BlackChurchInn is the place where your soul lingers, the place where you will learn or improve your dancing movements and burn over 3000 calories when dancing a traditional Romanian "hora""-one of the most popular Romanian songs!

Here the food is made with love, the secrets of romanian recipes, (such as tripe sour soup, traditional Romanian Polenta served with "sarmale" or the delicious and fluffy papanasi dessert), will remain a secret, for the love of traditions inspired by our dear grandmother's:) - speaking of them, in this Romanian Restaurant (the only one at the moment in Dublin) you will find all the recipes made decades ago by our loving grandmothers, along with traditional music and cheerfulness. The menu is refreshed every single week, so you can try different dishes and taste as many as your eyes please, as for the weekend, you can enjoy some fresh barbecue dishes along with some nice cold beer outside on the recently opened terrace of the restaurant!

What type of entertainment / events can be organized in Black Church Inn?

Pretty much all kind of events from Weddings, Private Parties, Receptions, Baptisms, Birthday Parties, Christmas Parties and more!
private parties dublin
If you are planning an important event in your life, Black Church Inn will be the perfect host, as the restaurant meets your requirements, with personalized packages for banqueting, festive events, fully tailored to the most exclusive expectations. The restaurant offers a ball room with a capacity of 110 people, free parking for up to 200 cars, personalized menus according to the clients' preferences.

Each month, Black Church Inn is hosting live concerts with great artists coming from Romania, to entertain yourself and your dear ones. In it's 2 years of activity, it gathered more than 100 live concerts for Easter, Christmas, New Year's Parties, Women's Day and more, turning the rainy weekends of our beautiful Emerald Island into festive days!
If you are not a big fan of these kind of live parties, you can enjoy a nice Irish meal freshly prepared, along with a nice cold pint of Guinness, as the restaurant has a a nice Pub where you can serve a great variety of Irish and International cuisine!
BlackChurchInn restaurant
Maybe the Dracula's pictures and traditional items on the inside of the restaurant, will make you curious to discover and taste the authentic "bloody Dracula's steak" - one of the house specialties if you are a "first time visitor".

Hope I have given enough reason to visit at least once this unique place in Ireland and if so, you'll also need the location (if you haven't clicked on the links provided, to follow Google Maps)- the restaurant is located with direct access off the N7/ Naas Road one of Ireland's busiest roads between Dublin City Center & New Castle and on junction 5 of the N7.

If you have visited them let me know as I would like to know how many of you have experienced Black Church Inn Restaurant and what was your impression about it?

Personally each weekend I promise myself that I will skip the "papanasi" but I just can't help it -too tasty!