Noul model lansat pe piata din Romania in luna Octombrie 2011, are un senzor de proximitate pentru modul auto-turn off. Memoria telefonului dispune de un numar nelimitat de intrari pentru apelurile primite, avand o memorie interna de 16 Gb, 768 MB RAM. Acest model de telefon este potrivit atat pentru persoanele din mediul afacerilor cat si pentru cei care in orice moment al zilei doresc sa fie mereu la curent cu noutatile din retelele de socializare, avand integrate si aplicatiile de Facebook si Twitter. Noul model HTC X315E SENSATION XL WHITE este disponibil in 2 culori respectiv alb si negru, avand o greutate de 162,5 gr si dimensiuni de 132,5 x 70,7 x9,9 mm. In filmuletul de mai jos este disponibila prezentarea detaliata a acestui nou model de telefon!
I am a passionate blogger, with a journalism background writing about Gadgets, E-commerce, Online Advertising and Personal Experiences
Nov 29, 2011
Incearca sistemul "beats audio" cu HTC X315E SENSATION XL WHITE
Cand vine vorba de a face muzica de calitate poti fi in fata tuturor cu acest super model de telefon de la HTC, care iti incanta privirea cu designul delicat si extrem de modern, fiind dotat cu Sistemul de Operare Android OS, v2.3 Gingerbread, un ecran deosebit de tip S-LCD, marimea ecranului touchscreen fiind de 480 x 800 pixeli de 4,7 inch. Semnul de pe spatele telefonului inspira noutatea adusa acestui deosebit model de la HTC si anume the "beats level". Este vorba de noul model de casti cu ajutorul carora poti asculta muzica la un alt nivel si sa surprinzi mereu cu muzica de calitate, acest tip de telefon este perfect pentru cei care vor sa incerce noua experienta a sistemului "beats audio"!
Nov 25, 2011
Petrece-ti revelionul 2012 in Maramures!
Sarbatorile de iarna reprezinta pentru noi prilej de mare sarbatoare si liniste sufleteasca. Se spune din “batrani” ca noaptea Revelionului este un moment decisiv pentru anul ce urmeaza, asa ca ai grija pe unde vei salaslui, in noaptea geroasa de Sfantul Vasile! Cu putina rima poetica iti propunem o oferta cat se poate de traditionala, in ceea ce priveste oferta de revelion 2012!
O pensiune ascunsa in inima Maramuresului poate fi alegerea ideala pentru toti cei care isi doresc relaxare, bucurandu-se astfel de magia sarbatorilor de iarna. Casa Corodan este una din pensiunile maramuresene care ofera servicii complete pentru turistii care doresc sa isi petreaca Revelionul departe de agitatia orasului, impresionand totodata si prin locatia deosebita.
Pensiunea este usor de gasit, situandu-se in localitatea Ilba, la numai 18 km de municipiul Baia Mare si 40 de km de orasul Satu Mare. Este o pensiune de trei stele ce ofera clientilor sai servicii de cazare adaptate standardelor europene! Casa Corodan vine cu o oferta de Revelion care presupune: un sejur de 4 zile in frumoasa localitate maramureseana, incepand cu data de 30 Decembrie 2011 pana in data de 03 Ianuarie 2012, cu pensiune completa, cina speciala de bun venit pentru turisti, masa festiva pentru Noaptea de revelion cu preparate traditionale maramuresene si nu numai. Oferta cuprinde si un superb foc de tabara si un program cu diferite activitati speciale in aer liber, vizitarea obiectivelor turistice din Maramuresul istoric cu autocarul la Cimitirul Vesel din Sapanta, o vizita la frumoasa Manastire Barsana pentru a rasfoi anii sai de legenda si in cele din urma un antrenament sportiv pe partia de sky din orasul Cavnic, una dintre cele mai moderne partii de sky din nordul tarii.
Pensiunea Casa Corodan ofera servicii gratuite copiilor pana la 7 ani, iar pentru copii de peste 7 ani se ofera un discount de 50 % din pretul unui bilet. De ce sa nu te bucuri de 4 zile de rasfat intr-un loc linistit la un pret accesibil oricarui buzunar? Pretul unui sejur pentru o persoana este de 230 de lei. Bucurati-va de spectacolul Revelionului intr-una din pensiunile din Maramures, pasind increzatori experienta unui nou an, pe care sa il traiti cu multa dragoste si intensitate, impreuna cu cei dragi voua!
O pensiune ascunsa in inima Maramuresului poate fi alegerea ideala pentru toti cei care isi doresc relaxare, bucurandu-se astfel de magia sarbatorilor de iarna. Casa Corodan este una din pensiunile maramuresene care ofera servicii complete pentru turistii care doresc sa isi petreaca Revelionul departe de agitatia orasului, impresionand totodata si prin locatia deosebita.
Pensiunea este usor de gasit, situandu-se in localitatea Ilba, la numai 18 km de municipiul Baia Mare si 40 de km de orasul Satu Mare. Este o pensiune de trei stele ce ofera clientilor sai servicii de cazare adaptate standardelor europene! Casa Corodan vine cu o oferta de Revelion care presupune: un sejur de 4 zile in frumoasa localitate maramureseana, incepand cu data de 30 Decembrie 2011 pana in data de 03 Ianuarie 2012, cu pensiune completa, cina speciala de bun venit pentru turisti, masa festiva pentru Noaptea de revelion cu preparate traditionale maramuresene si nu numai. Oferta cuprinde si un superb foc de tabara si un program cu diferite activitati speciale in aer liber, vizitarea obiectivelor turistice din Maramuresul istoric cu autocarul la Cimitirul Vesel din Sapanta, o vizita la frumoasa Manastire Barsana pentru a rasfoi anii sai de legenda si in cele din urma un antrenament sportiv pe partia de sky din orasul Cavnic, una dintre cele mai moderne partii de sky din nordul tarii.
Pensiunea Casa Corodan ofera servicii gratuite copiilor pana la 7 ani, iar pentru copii de peste 7 ani se ofera un discount de 50 % din pretul unui bilet. De ce sa nu te bucuri de 4 zile de rasfat intr-un loc linistit la un pret accesibil oricarui buzunar? Pretul unui sejur pentru o persoana este de 230 de lei. Bucurati-va de spectacolul Revelionului intr-una din pensiunile din Maramures, pasind increzatori experienta unui nou an, pe care sa il traiti cu multa dragoste si intensitate, impreuna cu cei dragi voua!
Nov 21, 2011
Smart investing in web design services!
So why is it so important the online advertising or the SEO strategies when you want your business to be know on the internet? Half of the answer is already given! Because these are vital elements to create a web site traffic and finally the conversion rate. So what represent the conversion rate? The next step after SEO is the conversion rate. Specifically in online domain is about the visitors report who perform a particular function on the site ( they buy a certain product, send request or price offerts for the services that are interested, or they are simply subscribe to the newsletter), reported to all the visitors for that particular site. Just because the process of transforming a visitor into a customer is not quite simple, this decision can only be achieved by the user, being influenced only by his decision factors and the way that the information is presented on the site or the way in which users interact with the informations provided by us to obtain the desired results from it.
As we all know this whole process of creating an original content requires a great effort and considerable every day, for is it not easy to built something solid, sustainable over time and not resorting to the well known methodes of Black Hat Seo. Then way pay SEO services? The explanation is very simple: any site that requires a quality content must be very well optimized for Google. I don’t think that is anyone wiling to work several months to optimize a site with everything that involves the development process without being paid! In conclusion if you want to invest in web design services you must invest your money into a company licensed in this area, and don’t let yourself impressed by the dozens of messages with impressive offerts from the “SEO experts” arrived daily in your emails, avoiding a dissapointment for the online business area in which your business can grow substantially.Our advice is to choose smart when it comes to such investments, for which fortunately are existing many firms and companies on the market that are offering web design services of a great quality!
Nov 15, 2011
Noul model de Husa I-Phone MOMO Design
Daca doresti sa iti personalizezi I-Phone-ul cu o husa cu totul deosebita, iti recomandam acest tip de husa cu un design creat 100% de catre bradul Momo, avand o calitate deosebita, un design unic si materiale inovatoare. Culoarea este neagra, si se potriveste perfect I-Phone-lui tau, oferindu-i un stil aparte. MOMO Design este o companie internationala, ce isi imbunatateste permanent stilul italian adoptat in orice structura de design, pastrand traditia si calitatea la cele mai inalte standarde. MOMO Design garanteaza performante ridicate pentru toata gama de produse. Folosind noile accesorii MOMO Design disponibile acum in magazinul online Quickmobile, unic importator in Romania al produselor MOMO vei reusi cu succes sa modifici aspectul telefonului tau oferindu-i un design specializat si modern.
Nov 14, 2011
Why choose Silkmart e-commerce services?
Silkmart is a devision of the silkweb company, throught which our future clients whish to configure thier own online stores themselves. So what this clients must do to realize this actions?
They have the posibility to choose between three package configurations, to improve them with a list of modules arranged into a form data concerning the online shop they want to make. The last thing that must be done is that the informations they want, must arrive to the silkweb specialists, so they can contact the clients, so they can respond to the services and the informations needed to begin the projects of these online shops. We look for a faster feed-back!
Silkweb is offering web design services, having over ten years experience in this domain, and over 300 projects by now.
So why the people prefer to have an online shop? The answer is quite simple! The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage.
The use of e-commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, internet marketing, online trasaction, inventory management. This simple way of buying products is preffered by 87% of the people in the entire world because is confortable, at hand because you can use the new technologies such as e-mail, mobile devices and also telephones.
The silkmart specialists are always concerned about the development opportunities for your online shop, and provide you 24 hours assistence and solutions for a succesfull marketing. And the prices for this profesional solutions are not expensive. We can always find the best prices for your bussiness, and reduced costs for selling your products. You can take a look here in our portofolio to our recently projects that we have made and have an objective opinion concerning them.
If you want to know how an online store made by silkmart looks like we invite you to take a look at our portofolio, so you can make an ideea of the features that match your virtual store.
What today is a presentation site, it can become tomorrow a virtual store. This principle guided us, the silkweb team, when we started to offer our customers the best services concerning the online stores.
They have the posibility to choose between three package configurations, to improve them with a list of modules arranged into a form data concerning the online shop they want to make. The last thing that must be done is that the informations they want, must arrive to the silkweb specialists, so they can contact the clients, so they can respond to the services and the informations needed to begin the projects of these online shops. We look for a faster feed-back!
Silkweb is offering web design services, having over ten years experience in this domain, and over 300 projects by now.
So why the people prefer to have an online shop? The answer is quite simple! The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage.
The use of e-commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, internet marketing, online trasaction, inventory management. This simple way of buying products is preffered by 87% of the people in the entire world because is confortable, at hand because you can use the new technologies such as e-mail, mobile devices and also telephones.
The silkmart specialists are always concerned about the development opportunities for your online shop, and provide you 24 hours assistence and solutions for a succesfull marketing. And the prices for this profesional solutions are not expensive. We can always find the best prices for your bussiness, and reduced costs for selling your products. You can take a look here in our portofolio to our recently projects that we have made and have an objective opinion concerning them.
If you want to know how an online store made by silkmart looks like we invite you to take a look at our portofolio, so you can make an ideea of the features that match your virtual store.
What today is a presentation site, it can become tomorrow a virtual store. This principle guided us, the silkweb team, when we started to offer our customers the best services concerning the online stores.
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